Our innovative insulation and heating solutions can completely transform your conservatory, helping you preserve and retain heat. Our window film reflects radiant heat back into the room, instead of letting it get absorbed into the glass. And our market-leading Warm Roof System can completely transform your conservatory into a delightfully cosy place to be, even on the coldest winter’s day. Try Solar Inserts
With our Warm Roof System you can make your conservatory a fabulous extension of your home, by creating a space that’s warm and usable all year round. Replacing the glass or polycarbonate roof with our lightweight insulated solid roof system, you’ll reduce heat loss and be able to open up your conservatory space permanently to the rest of your home.
As well as reducing heat loss and, in turn, your heating costs, our roof system will also keep your conservatory cooler in the summer months, by reducing solar heat gain. This allows you to enjoy a comfortable and regulated temperature in your conservatory, and fully utilise your space, whatever the time of year.
The fantastic new Warm Roof System has made an immense difference to our conservatory. Like most, we accepted the usual too hot, too cold problems as annoying but normal. We now, however, have an amazing room we love to use all year round, whatever the conditions outside.
Often heat is wasted when you only want to use your conservatory for a short amount of time. Conventional heaters and radiators will heat up all of the air in the room and can also take a while to reach the desired temperature. Our innovative Infra-red radiators warm you up directly, by providing instant, targeted heat
Using less energy than other heaters, our Infra-red radiators offer significant savings and greater levels of comfort – you can keep the air temperature 2 to 3 degrees lower – and our insulation window film is an ideal accompaniment, as it reflects the infrared heat back into the space, for a perfectly warm environment.
"I'm very pleased I can use the room all the time, even in hot temperatures".
- Jennifer, Didcot
"Just had window film installed in my conservatory and already the heat is reduced. Excellent job, installers professional and polite - and tidied up after themselves."
- Elaine, High Wycombe
"WindowTreat had the best understanding of our glazing systems and how their products would perform. We have definitely noticed a reduction in solar gain and glare and as a result we are much more comfortable. Delighted!"
- Philip, London
“The difference in glare and intensity of heat was immediate and I am now able to sit in the conservatory comfortably in the afternoon when the sun is shining. It is such a transformation.”
- Shalesh, Basingstoke